all the units that will be delivered in 2023 T1 should have this category assigned.

Its Course Short Name must be named according to the rules as follows:

a.       Single unit is being delivered for only one qualification UnitCode_QualificationCode, for example, BSBWHS521_BSB50820

b.       Single unit is being delivered for more than one qualification, UnitCode_QualificationCode1_QualificationCode2, for example, BSBOPS601_BSB60120_BSB60420

c.       More than one unit are being delivered for only one qualification Cluster_UnitCode1_UnitCode2_QualificationCode, for example, Cluster_ICTSAS524_ICTSAS526_ICT50220

d.       More than one unit are being delivered for more than one qualification, Cluster_UnitCode1_UnitCode2_QualificationCode1_QualificationCode2, for example,
